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"It's snowing outside!"

Pesky Seagull

When the kids woke us up to say it was snowing outside it was quite a relief that we had finally got a day off and was able to watch the dog play in the garden and the kids building snowmen from the warmth of the bedroom window. But then came the inevitable question... "can we get the sledges out?!"

Reluctantly we agreed and before we knew it we were dragging them towards town for our daily exercise, feeling like poor Rudolph. We did however go armed with iphones and our new mini 2 drone which makes it easier for us to operate in congested area than ever before.. .We are even able to reduce distances with buildings etc. (with our inspire 2 we would need to keep 50 metres away) giving us more flexibility! One problem though - it was snowing...and drones don't like moisture, being made of electrical components!

Ironically as we passed the famous Tamworth Snowdome we was lucky to have a break in the weather, long enough to launch the mini and get the shot of the indoor snow centre that ironically had more snow on the outside than within.

After capturing some shots of snowmen and the huge bird activity in the castle grounds (mainly Pesky Seagulls!) with the iphone, we warmed ourselves up with the compulsory Costa (there's a lot of them in our town, with yet another planned for some reason) , surrendering to the belief that we had no chance to capture any further snow shots from above.

It was whilst sipping up on oat Caramel Latte we noticed a social media post by a fellow local operator complaining that there was an irresponsible drone flying around the town in the snow and that it was a major safety hazard. We was confused as we had only took one picture on the outskirts, no other drones in sight! Apparently it was an hour or so prior to our arrival and having later seen the photo to which he was referring which was taken in heavy snow, we agreed it wasn't the most clever thing to do and certainly not something we would do to.

As luck would have it though the snow did actually stop for about 10 minutes and we didn't waste this opportunity, to the frustration of the kids ambitions of snowman building, which we still did, obviously! After all is not very often we get snow these days especially the stuff that sticks and it brought some fantastic photo opportunities as it dramatically changed the landscape temporarily. It was wonderful that whilst at such a difficult time for all of us and in the middle of a national lockdown that the snow brought a much needed smile to young faces and it was a joy to see so many people out using their daily exercise to create some fantastic creations!

Now for the slush...!

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